The Three T’s of Philanthropy

Philanthropy is the desire to promote the welfare of others, as expressed by the donation of money. While “charity” solves short term problems of the needy, “philanthropy” solves long term needs. A popular acronym is “The Three Big T’s of Philanthropy” — Time, Talent, and Treasure. 

The 3 T’s promote the spiritual well-being of the individual giver and the financial and human needs of the poor.

The word steward first appeared in language during the Middle Ages as a “job description” — a steward, or manager, of a large household. Over time, it was used more broadly to describe management of others and activities outside the home, in business, courts of law, and organizations. Nowadays… 

A good steward builds good relationships with others in order to earn their loyalty.

You may recall the biblical story of the “good steward” in Mathew’s Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). The story teaches us that to those who are entrusted with much, whether it be money, assets or non-financial riches, much is expected.

Stewardship has become more than the time, talent, and treasure of an individual, and today includes all of life: mind, body, and spirit, material possessions, friendships, relationships, and attitude about our ourselves and our place in the world and the responsibility this entails.

The acclaimed author C.S. Lewis once said: “I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare.”

How can the Stewardship Foundation help you practice the “Three T’s of Philanthropy” to build a better world while at the same time building a safer financial future for you and your heirs? We advise; you choose. Call (614) 800-7985 for a conversation.


After almost two years of quiet “pandemic worthy” Christmases, we’re beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and (knock on wood) it’s not a train.

Even Pope Francis is getting into the Christmas spirit with a contest that inspires young people to create new songs inspired by Christmas and its values. When asked what he hoped to achieve, the Pope said that music is “not alienating; it is neither superficial nor escapist. It broadens the heart, opens it to gratuitousness…” 

Fifty-six years ago, Pope St. Paul VI offered a similar message:

“This world in which we live needs beauty so as not to fall into despair.”

This Christmas, we wish you the beauty of giving back. We encourage ourselves, our families, our friends, colleagues and clients to set your sights on social causes that are in tune your own values, and to encourage others to do so as well.

A great way to give back is through philanthropy. If you think philanthropy is only for the rich and powerful, you’d be wrong. Philanthropy is something that anyone can do. All it takes is having the desire to promote the welfare of others and then achieving it by generously donating money to a good cause. 

There’s a difference between philanthropy and charity. For example, an act of charity is when you spot a homeless person on the street and give him five dollars. Philanthropy focuses on helping that homeless person solve the problems that required them to ask for a handout in the first place. Both are good. 

Philanthropy is long-term and strategic; it often involves making multiple gifts to help people over a number of years. As someone once said:

Delivering bottled water to a drought-stricken village in East Africa is charity, but philanthropy is building a well.

Our job at the Stewardship Foundation is to be good stewards with our donors’ money, and our skills as charitable gift consultants in a public foundation is proven. Please pass this along to a friend that may be interested in our services, and have a beautiful, quiet, spirit-filled, rich-in-spirit Christmas!