Gift Planning in Time of War

The recent outbreak of war between Israel IDF and Hamas militants has the entire world on edge. The U.S. support of the war in Ukraine against the Russian forces is already straining the capacity of foreign aid overseas. How do we see the war? What can this mean for our investments? 

Our original founders were inspired by a group of three individuals, one of which was Richard Enright, a former D.C. estate planning attorney, charitable planning pioneer, and advocate for worldwide religious liberties. His vision for all men to be inherently free and maintain religious liberty inspires us everyday.

We expected U.S. economic growth to slow in 2024, but did not expect to have the events of 2023 on top of this forecast. Bloomberg has addressed the conflict’s potential to disrupt the global economy and possibly tip it into recession if more countries are drawn into the fighting.

If the conflict does widen, we may see gas prices return to over $5 per gallon and, as a result, we will likely see costs for many of the products Americans depend on everyday…food, heating/cooling, jet fuel, and so on to rise dramatically. Holding onto our savings and investments will become a more urgent priority.

At the Stewardship Foundation, we do not have our head in the desert sand (so to speak). We are adamant about being good stewards with our donors’ money and will apply our skills as charitable gift consultants to protect our investors to the best of our ability. We pray that our foundational values of stewardship and the call to Christian conscience will provide the divine providence needed to manage risk and remain disciplined to stay the course during this difficult time.

Prayer for Peace

Now in Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius, a centurion of the Cohort called the Italica, devout and God-fearing along with his whole household, who used to give alms generously to the Jewish people and pray to God constantly. One afternoon about three o’clock, he saw plainly in a vision an angel of God come in to him and say to him “Cornelius… Your prayers and almsgiving have ascended as a memorial offering before God.”  —Acts 10:1-4

Prayers and Almsgiving. Both are acceptable to the Lord and because of this, Christian charities are stepping up to give everyone an opportunity to provide medical care, food and shelter, and humanitarian assistance to those in need in conflict areas in the Middle East, especially Israel. For guidance on giving to those in need in the Middle East, especially in Israel, please email our office at attention “Give for Peace.”

A Prayer for Peace

Lord Jesus Christ,
You are the true King of peace.
In You alone is found freedom.

Please free our world from conflict.
Bring unity to troubled nations.
Let Your glorious peace reign in every heart.

Dispel all darkness and evil.
Protect the dignity of every human life.
Replace hatred with Your love.

Give wisdom to world leaders.
Free them from selfish ambition.
Eliminate all violence and war.

Glorious Virgin Mary,
Saint Michael the Archangel,
Every angel and saint:
Please pray for peace.
Pray for unity amongst nations.
Pray for unity amongst all people.
Pray for the most vulnerable.
Pray for those suffering.
Pray for the fearful.
Pray for those most in need.
Pray for us all.

Jesus, Son of the Living God, have mercy on us.
Jesus, hear our prayers.
Jesus, I trust in You! Amen.

Two Catholic Dioceses After Hurricane Ian

During hurricane Ian, Florida Bishop Frank Dewane of the Catholic Diocese of Venice was in his  home when two huge branches crashed through his roof and into the ceiling of his living room. According to the National Catholic Register who interviewed the Bishop after the storm passed, he feels lucky to be alive and notes that many others fared much worse.

He’s correct. Much worse. Two Catholic churches, St. Isabel on Sanibel Island, and the Church of the Ascension in Fort Myers Beach were completely destroyed while many area parishes suffered extensive roofing and water damage.

Church of the Ascension in Fort Myers Beach after devastation of hurricane Ian
Church of the Ascension in Fort Myers Beach. Photo credit: Edmond Ciancone.

Bishop Dewane related to the NCR reporters about a time shortly after Ian blew through at which he went to make the rounds of all the area parishes. Suddenly, the police asked him to move away from the area because bodies were beginning to float ashore from Sanibel Island. The Bishop commended local Floridians who, as soon as the storm subsided, took their own boats, canoes, and anything else that could float, into the murky waters to look for stranded neighbors. Surely, more were saved than lost.

He spoke about how aid began to flow into Florida from other states almost immediately, and how volunteers streamed into SW Florida from the upper States with water, supplies, and a helping hand. No doubt Bishop Gregory L. Parkes of St. Petersburg (Tampa), along with Bishop Dewane of Venice need your prayers.

The Florida experience after Ian has been comparable to the aftermath of Katrina in New Orleans in 2005 that took over 1,800 lives and caused $125 billion in damage. Ian took fewer lives (110 to date) and caused damages estimated from to be as much as $258 billion — surely the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history.

If you want to learn how we can help direct your support of financial donations to help the Dioceses in SW Florida in the wake of hurricane Ian, please contact us today.

To read the entire article on Bishop Dewane, see The National Catholic Register.