Abortion is Morally Bad

In February 2019, the Knights of Columbus, a worldwide fraternal benefit society founded in 1882, conducted what they named, The Marist Poll. The survey polled 1,008 adults in the U.S. randomly selected from a list of telephone exchanges from throughout the nation in proportion to its population. In other words, the poll was not conducted to include or exclude any race, religion, income, political leaning, age, gender, or geographical element. The results were statically significant within + or – 3.5%—as are all properly conducted surveys.

On the issues of abortion, do you consider yourself pro-life or pro-choice?

Pro-life 47%
Pro-choice 47%
Unsure 6%

The same question in October 2008 returned 44% pro-life and 50% pro-choice — a statistical uptick of 6% for pro-life. Unsure in 2008 was the same, 6%.

On the question “Do you think abortion should generally be legal or generally illegal during the last three months of pregnancy, the overwhelming majority (between 85% to 57%) said no, it should not be legal. And interestingly, the percentage was the same for men and for women (71% said illegal) — a sharp rise from January 2019 when only 38% said illegal.

Of course, this is only one poll and considering how well pollsters do determining election outcomes, we will need to wait for future polls to collaborate the results.

The Stewardship Foundation takes a stand to respect all life, unconditionally, and will never sway from our conviction. We believe that induced abortion is not healthcare but murder.

We believe that a fetus is not a possibility, it is a person, not fully formed, but with all it needs to become that way — and it has a soul. An unwanted pregnancy is unwanted by the birth mother, but it is wanted by another couple who has not been able to become pregnant.

At the Stewardship Foundation, we believe in the sanctity of human life, marriage and sexual morality, and religious freedom and the rights of conscience. If you agree, we’d love to hear from you. If you have a friend or colleague who you think might want to speak with us, please pass this along.

Searching For A Moral Compass

As portfolio managers, we are tasked to look out for our customers—to offer higher returns, lower risk, and efficient tax avoidance while we grow their accounts and provide income in retirement. As stewards of our customer’s portfolios, we strive to the do the right thing in terms of selecting investment products that build up society, do good, and follow Christian principles.

There is often confusion about the difference between Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) and Morally Responsible Investing (MRI). We’ll try to make it simple.

Initially, SRI was used to describe investing in companies that did not profit from “bad” things like tobacco, alcohol, gambling, and firearms. The perception was that these companies promoted sickness, mental and physical abuse, failed relationships, bad habits, and even death. The term focused on which companies one would avoid, not what to invest in, but that has changed. Now SRI seeks out companies that do good—such as alternative energy/clean technologies, community organizations that provide needed services to the poor and disadvantaged, and others that improve the quality of life and reduce reliance on welfare. The focus is on society, not necessarily moral or ethical good as defined by Christian conscience.

moral compassMRI is a subset of SRI but is different because it screens out companies engaged in abortion, embryonic stem cell research, and pornography. It’s pro-life and pro-family. It’s a pillar of the Stewardship Foundation. MRI appeals to investors who want to buy into specific funds that match their moral compass.

As SRI investing became more popular (over $40 trillion in 2016), the term Impact Investing found its way onto the investment stage. The term refers to investing in companies that do the right thing. It actively targets firms, funds, or projects that provide a measurable benefit to society as a whole. Not limited to stocks, mutual funds, or ETFs, it includes private equity, venture capital, and debt investment programs. Investors in this arena are actively participating by putting their money where their mouth is.

Remember that the Stewardship Foundation’s endgame is financial growth for our clients. Whether you are saving for retirement or using your wealth to actively make the world a better place, the road we help you choose is paved with a Christian moral compass.

What Happened to Ireland?

oh irelandIreland has voted to sweep aside generations of faithfulness to God’s 7th Commandment, do not kill. This month, citizens of the island Republic voted decisively to repeal the ban on abortions, adding to their slide toward liberalism.

Left wing populism is on the rise all over Europe. Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said, “This has been a great exercise in democracy, and the people have spoken and the people have said: We want a modern Constitution for a modern country, and that we trust women and that we respect them to make the right decisions and the right choices about their own health care.”

When God blessed Noah and his sons, He said to them “Be fertile and multiply and fill the earth.” He did not say, “fill the earth until such a time that you decide there are enough children in the world, or when your women are able to make their own decisions and choices.” No, God made a covenant with them and sealed it with a rainbow—between Him and every mortal being on earth.

What is sad is that only 64% of Irish citizens cared enough to turn out to vote leaving nearly two-thirds of voters willing to repeal their constitution’s Eighth Amendment—largely because of Savita Halappanavar, a 31-year old dentist who died from sepsis during a protracted miscarriage after being denied an abortion at a Galway hospital in 2012. Pro-choice advocates claimed that her life could have been spared had Halappanavar received the abortion she wanted.

Ireland’s first openly gay Prime Minister called it a “once in a generation vote.” He hopes to capitalize on the momentum of the vote to extend the time allowed to receive an abortion from the first 12 weeks of pregnancy to later terms. Ireland voted for same-sex “marriage” in 2015.

Reporters boasted that the vote is a “rejection of an Ireland that treated women as second-class citizens” adding that “this is about women’s equality.” If we are all created equal under God, then the yet-unborn child in his or her mother’s womb had equal rights, including the right to life.

The argument pits child against mother. How tragic that the unborn is the enemy of the mother. How more tragic is a world that believes passing laws disrespectful of human life is somehow more advanced, more fair, more compassionate.

The only moral direction possible is to leave life and death in the hands of a loving God, and to consider that the only way we can actually protect a woman’s rights is by enforcing laws that also protect an unborn child’s right to life.